Task Comments & Attachments

You can add comments and attachments to all checklist tasks.

@Mention other users and/or groups using the @ symbol. We will send an email to all users you @mention. If you @mention a group we will notify all members of the group.

This is a powerful and effective way to collaborate with your team.

Creating a Comment

Comments can be added to any task in a checklist.

Open your checklist and select the task you want to create a comment on.

Scroll to the bottom of the task content area.

Enter your comment in the text editor. Type the @ symbol to @mention other user and/or groups.

Use the text editor toolbar to format your text. You can even insert tables, images, links and videos.

Click the 'Add Comment' button to create your comment. Comments are displayed underneath the text editor and are displayed in the order in which they are created. The name and avatar of the user who created the comment is shown along with the date and time it was created.

Create Comment

Attaching a File

Attach files to a task by clicking the 'Add Attachment' button below the comment text editor.

Add Attachment Button

A file selection prompt will open. Select the file you want to upload. It will be uploaded to your dedicated container in our cloud storage provider.

The uploaded file will be displayed. The file can be downloaded by simply clicking on the file box.


@Mentioning Users & Groups

You can @mention users and groups in your comment by typing the @ symbol.

We will send an email to all users you @mention in a comment. If you @mention a group we will send an email to all users in the group.

We don't duplicate email notifications. For example:

  • If you @mention a user and also a group that the user is a member of we will only send one email to that user.
  • If you @mention two groups and a user is a member of both groups we will only send one email to that user.
  • If you @mention a user more than once we will only send one email to that user.

If you @mention yourself we won't send you an email. You created the comment so you already know about it.

All users can unsubscribe from recieving these email notifications. This can be done from the User Profile screen or by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

The email we send has details of the checklist, the task and the specific comment with links to open and view the task and comment.

Here is an example of an email we send to notify a user that they were mentioned in a comment.

Comment Mention Email

Notifying Assignees of Comments & Attachments

We also send an email to all task assignees when a comment or attachment is created.

As with the @mentions we do not duplicate email notifications. For example:

  • If an assignee is also @mentioned in the comment we will only send one email to the assignee.
  • If a user is assigned to the task and is a member of a group that is also assigned to the task we will only send one email to the assignee.

All users can unsubscribe from recieving these email notifications. This can be done from the User Profile screen or by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

Deleting Comments & Attachments

Comments and attachments can only be deleted by the author.

To delete a comment or attachment click on the 'Delete' link next to the timestamp.

Delete Comment or Attachment